shell csharp


Welcome to the public website API.

Download Center


For public download center API calls, no authentication is needed. You should however try to ensure your client gives a unique User-Agent. Calls without a User-Agent may be throttled.

Get user-facing version for a file

curl "" \
  -H "User-Agent: CyanCallouts/1.0 (+" \
  -d "do=checkForUpdates" \
  -d "fileId=7792" \
  -d "textOnly=1"

  public static string GetLatestVersion(int fileId)
      string updateEndpoint = "{0}&textOnly=true";
      string latestVersion = null;
      try {
          using(WebClient client = new WebClient()) {
              client.Headers.Add("user-agent", "CyanCallouts/1.0 (+");
              latestVersion = client.DownloadString(string.Format(updateEndpoint, fileId));
      catch(Exception e) {
              // Failed. Maybe log the exception.
      return latestVersion;

The above command returns a text only response of the author provided file version.

0.4.9 (Build 8678)

This endpoint retrieves the latest author provided version of a file, given a file ID.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
do null Needs set to 'checkForUpdates'
fileId null The file ID to query
textOnly false Set to true to provide a text only (non JSON) response.

Get .NET assembly versions for a file

curl "" \
  -H "User-Agent: CyanCallouts/1.0 (+" \
  -d "do=getAssemblies" \
  -d "fileId=7792" 
 * This is an example of an async function that tries to retrieve the latest LSPDFR assembly version
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Net;
using System;

public class AssemblyInfoRetriever
    private static readonly HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

    public static async Task<string> GetLSPDFRAssemblyVersionAsync()
        string url = "";
        string assemblyVersion = null;

            var response = await client.GetStringAsync(url);
            using (JsonDocument doc = JsonDocument.Parse(response))
                JsonElement root = doc.RootElement;
                string error = root.GetProperty("error").GetString();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
                    foreach(JsonProperty file in root.GetProperty("result").GetProperty("files").EnumerateObject()) {
                        if (file.Value.TryGetProperty("plugins/LSPD First Response.dll", out JsonElement versionElement)) {
                            assemblyVersion = versionElement.GetString();
            if(assemblyVersion == null) {
                throw new Exception("Couldn't find LSPDFR dll within result!");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + ex.Message);

        return assemblyVersion;

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "error": "",
  "result": {
    "files": {
      "lspdfr_049_8678_setup.exe": {},
      "": {
        "DdsConvert.dll": "",
        "DiscordRpcNet.dll": "",
        "EasyHook.dll": "2.7.6578.0",
        "EasyLoad64.dll": "2.7.6578.0",
        "Gwen.dll": "",
        "Gwen.UnitTest.dll": "",
        "LMS.Common.dll": "",
        "LMS.PortableExecutable.dll": "",
        "lspdfr\/LSPDFR Configurator.exe": "",
        "lspdfr\/Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.dll": "",
        "Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.dll": "",
        "Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.dll": "",
        "Mono.Cecil.dll": "",
        "Mono.Cecil.Mdb.dll": "",
        "Mono.Cecil.Pdb.dll": "",
        "Mono.Cecil.Rocks.dll": "",
        "plugins\/LSPD First Response.dll": "0.4.8678.25591",
        "RAGEPluginHook.exe": "",
        "SlimDX.dll": "",
        "System.ValueTuple.dll": ""

This endpoint retrieves all .NET assemblies inside all subfiles on a file submission.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Default Description
do null Needs set to 'getAssemblies'
fileId null The file ID to query